The Glow Of Age Defying Health

The Health Benefits of Juicing:
Get the glow of beautiful and youthful looking skin along with vibrant health, weight management and mental clarity through fresh fruit and vegetable juicing. Discover the natural healing power from juicing by feeding your body with super-powerful raw nutrients.

-Radiant Beautiful Skin-
Your skin is the largest organ of your body. The quality of your skin reveals the quality of your organ tissue and overall health. When your body is getting proper nutrients and your skin is being oxygenated from within, due to excellent blood flow, then the signs of aging can be reduced dramatically without the use of expensive creams or plastic surgery*
*On a personal note, I was always plagued with dark puffy circles under my eyes and no matter how much make-up I applied I just couldn’t get rid of them. Once I started juicing, within a few weeks, my skin was not only glowing, but the dark circles and puffiness soon disappeared…

-Weight Management-
Juicing is not only a delicious and creative solution to help you in your fat burning weight loss goals, but is also an incredible way to increase your energy and vitality, by reducing cravings, jump starting your metabolism, saturating your cells with bio-available nutrients, flushing toxins, and reducing acidity in your body.

-Mental Clarity-
As you begin juicing you’re putting less and less strain on your body in terms of digesting, your body in turn, begins to cleanse, detoxify and heal, which leads to enhanced clarity and focus.

Chlorophyll: is the building block of our bodies it’s what makes plants green, and it is perhaps the most powerful element that exists in the universe; known as liquid sunshine.
FYI: Did you know that the molecular structure of chlorophyll (plant plasma) is almost identical to the molecular structure of hemin (a protein in human plasma that transports oxygen throughout the body)?
The only difference, is the nucleus, magnesium (Mg) is at the centre of chlorophyll, and iron (Fe) is at the centre of hemin. Scientists have observed the assimilation of chlorophyll into the body, and found that at some point, the magnesium turns into iron. However, they are still baffled as to how the switch is made.
Regardless, this means that ingesting chlorophyll is almost akin to getting a fresh blood transfusion it is medicine for our bodies; on a simplistic level, it explains the symbiotic relationship humans share with plants
The best way to get chlorophyll is through juiced or blended greens. The darker the green, the more chlorophyll is present.

Enzymes: act as a catalyst to cleanse, detoxify and renew at a cellular level. Enzymes are also needed to digest food.  Drinking a green juice daily is a sure way to maintain enzyme levels.

Beginning a Juicing Program
Fruits and vegetables should be juiced separately, with the exception of apples, since they are also compatible with vegetables. After you start juicing, you can begin spicing up your mixtures.
Once you have introduced your body to juicing, then you may want to begin a more diverse fruit and vegetable juicing regimen, by adding red and green leaf lettuce, romaine, endive, escarole, and spinach. More advanced juicers may enjoy trying out mixtures that include green and red cabbage, Bok Choy, kale, collard greens, dandelion greens, and mustard greens.

However, it is important to note, that juice should not be viewed as a primary meal replacement - it is not. Excessive fruit in juices should be avoided, although vegetable juice doesn’t raise insulin levels like fruit juice, there are two exceptions to be aware of; carrots and beetroots.

Pre-juicing & Storage
Though it’s not recommended, since fruit and vegetable juice is very perishable and should be consumed immediately after juicing. However, if you’re careful you can store it for up to 24 hours with only moderate nutritional decline. To store your juice:

1. Put your juice in a glass jar with an airtight lid and fill it to the very top. There should be a minimum amount of air in the jar as the oxygen will "oxidize" and damage the juice.
2. Wrap the jar with aluminum foil to block out all light. Light damages the juice.
3. Store it in the refrigerator until about 30 minutes prior to drinking, as vegetable juice should be consumed at room temperature.
Rule of thumb: Daily recommended juice consumption: if you consume 30 oz of juice per day, then 20oz should be vegetables only.  Use organic produce whenever possible, if you are unable to obtain organic, I suggest washing it to remove any residual pesticides. I prefer to prep and refrigerate some of the fruit prior to juicing; papaya, pineapple, melon and mango; I also like to freeze the bananas.

I highly recommend using a juicer over a blender, since the juicer is able to separate the pulp, giving you a higher concentration of nutrients. There are plenty of quality juicers on the market to fit everyone’s budget. Personally, I use the Jack La Lane Juicer and it’s perfect for my needs, I use it twice a day. Retails around $90.00

Depending on the power of your juicer’s motor, it’s best to place the most fibrous fruit (vegetables require a slightly different sequence) through the mouth of the feeder first such as papaya or mangos. Never juice bananas or avocados, as they clog the juicer. When in doubt, always refer the manufacturer’s handbook.

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